About Menu 24×7

Menu 24×7 is a platform for exploring menus from a wide range of restaurants in Singapore without leaving homes. Just like checking the weather forecast before going out, users can use Menu 24×7 to know each food in a restaurant before ordering. At the same time, users can also know how many popular items each restaurant has on the menu.

What sets us apart is our commitment to accuracy, comprehensiveness, and user convenience. All the menus listed on our website are sourced directly from the respective restaurants and food delivery apps.

When Menu24×7.com was founded (June 2022), online menu searching was still new. There were a few sites around then, but they had a limited number of menus, took a long time to load, and didn’t always include all the information you needed from one quick search. So, we set out to create something different – an easy way for foodies to find restaurant menus.

Our Mission

Our mission at Menu 24×7 is simple: to connect food lovers with a comprehensive selection of menus from various restaurants across Singapore. We want to empower you to discover new restaurants and indulge in your favorite cuisines.

Why Choose Menu 24×7?

Discover a few reasons that set Menu 24×7 apart from other websites:

1. Unrivaled Menu Selection: At Menu 24×7, we take pride in offering an extensive menu selection from over 600 restaurants in Singapore. Whether you crave local delicacies or international cuisines, our platform ensures you find something to suit your needs.

2. Convenience Redefined: No more browsing multiple websites and apps to find the right restaurant for your cravings. Menu 24×7 streamlines the process by providing an easy-to-navigate platform to browse different menus.

3. User-Friendly Interface: Our intuitive interface and user-friendly design make exploring menus and finding new restaurants easy in just a few clicks.

Contact Us

We value your feedback and suggestions. If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to assist you and make your experience with Menu24×7.com as enjoyable as possible.